Size: 23.79 MB
Downloads: 6273
Platform: Windows (All Versions)
There’s much to like about MathCast, the equation editor that was rolled out to the public back in 2004. You will like that getting it up and running is a simple process, that it features a user friendly interface, that it allows you to easily input mathematical equations, that the equations can be easily copied into other applications, that they can be saved as MathML XML files, and last but not least, that MathCast is a free and open source application. So if you need a very handy equation editor that won’t cost you a dime, I advise you to give MathCast a try.
As mentioned above, getting MathCast up and running is a simple process. You just need to download an installer (it’s about 24Mb in size), run said installer, and then follow the instructions presented on screen by a setup wizard. In just a few clicks you will be done with the task of installing MathCast on your Windows-powered machine (works with anything from Windows XP onward).
Launch MathCast and you will be presented with a sort of Welcome Screen. On the left hand side, this prompt presents links for the following: access the Edit Screen, create a new Equation List, open an existing Equation List, download equations from websites or from other MathCast users, view the Help documentation, visit the MathCast website, open the Settings menu, or Exit the application.
You can get started from scratch, or, better yet, you can load one of the several example equations the application has to offer. Once you have an equation, you can very easily edit it with MathCast. In this regard, the application has the following features to offer: cut, copy, paste, delete, move up/down, insert equation, add equation, undo/redo, preview MathCasting, several handy links, change the colors, and more. Since MathCast is free and open source, you have all the time in the world to play with it and uncover all its features.
I don’t see what’s not to like about MathCast. It works as advertised, it is user friendly, and it’s free!
Installing MathCast is an effortless process. MathCast features a user friendly, intuitive interface. You can use the application to edit equations. There are several examples that come in handy. Manage a list of equations, download equations from the web, copy and paste equations into other programs, export equations, and many other handy features are offered. MathCast is free and open source.
None that I could think of.
MathCast Awards

MathCast Editor’s Review Rating
MathCast has been reviewed by George Norman on 11 Jun 2013. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated MathCast 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential